Thursday, December 13, 2012

Today Sucked

And what do you do when the day sucks? You bake, of course.

You bake the thing that makes you happy. Birthday's are filled with cake and cupcakes. Cupcakes make us happy on those days. I baked cupcakes. See my line of thinking?

Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting, to be precise. Today, this is what made me happy.

Baking is therapeutic; at least for me it is. My bad day left me shaky and frustrated, then my hand mixer made me more frustrated. The slowest speed on my mixer was toooooo fast for the cupcake batter, so I had to do it by hand. Which, turns out, is very relaxing. Before I realized it, I was smiling and having a grand ole time. No, really. Therapeutic. Say it with me.. ther-a-peuuuu-tic. Isn't that nice?

Before I was born my parents painted my bedroom a very nice green color, it was very pastel-y. And it stayed that color all the way up until I moved out; now it's a peach color. But anyway, my point: I love pastel colors because of that room. So, these cupcakes were topped with a nice pastel-y blue. As pastel-y as I could get it. You know food coloring..

Sadly, this picture doesn't do the color the justice I hoped it would.

And yes, pastel-y is a

These cupcakes were very good, fabulous even. To the point where I wish I could take credit, but I can't. So, giving credit where credit is due..Joy the Baker, everybody!

If you have yet to read her blog, DO IT NOW! I'm telling you, she's amazing. She's a very down-to-earth, classy chick. And though we have not met, I love her. I do. She's just below Julia Child but just above Nikki Sixx. Don't judge me..

Here ya go..the final product. Notice the green sprinkles? Sprinkles make this world a better place. It's a fact. A proven fact.

Goodbye bad day.. I wish, for anyone reading this, that you had a much better day and just let me say're wonderful.<3

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