Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cookies, Flatbread, and Presents, Oh My!

This post, yeah, about it, it's kinda almost maybe about a week late? Maybe? But forgive me, this holiday season has me in lazy-mode. But, here's me filling you in.

Because of a previous post about how much my hand-mixer hates me, my lovely Mama gave me her standing mixer. Yay! Like almost everything else I own she'll soon get a name, once I find one worth her beauty.

On the eve or Christmas Eve I was baking like a mad woman all day. And I mean all day. I made sugar, molasses, peanut butter, and gingerbread cookies. Then proceeded to decorate the sugar cookies; all for a Christmas Eve party.

On top of this I also made this wonderful Navajo Flatbread I got from one of Jamie Oliver's books. If you've never heard of him, he's a wonderful British chef whose take on food makes me wanna cook everything and anything I can get my hands on. I hold myself back though, don't worry. But really, should should check him out: He has a wide range of recipes, and if you get a chance to read one of his books do it! He doesn't just give you the recipes, he talks about how they came into being and the experience he's had with it. It's wonderful.

Also, Christmas day and the Saturday after I made out like a bandit on baking related things. My wonderful Mama and Papa got me a chef coat. * gasps loudly * Seriously, it's amazing. I feel professional, even though I'm not..yet..I hope. Among that I received Joy the Baker's cookbook, adorable cupcake/cake stencils, a giant timer (that sounds like an old-fashioned phone when it goes off), a book about Julia Child and her love of cats and cooking, silicone guards for my oven racks (no burning myself anymore!), and this amazing pan that I can make mini pies in, among other many amazing things. But wait! There's more! Saturday we went to my boyfriend's mom's house for their family Christmas, and let me tell you, I feel loved. I got four, count 'em, one, two, three, four, FOUR different books all related to baking. The two I'm most excited about: Baking with the Cake Boss * more loud gasps *, and this amazing book called Easy Cake Decorating. From flipping through it I've gathered that it teaches about working with fondant, making icing flowers, and many other amazing things. Oh, I'm not done. On top of the four books I received recipe boxes, cupcake wrappers, all sorts of icing decorating tools (bottles that fold in like an accordion for easy-no-mess decorating, many decorating tips, etc.), cupcake pans and cake pans. And, oh my! That really isn't it. But, no need to bore you with everything, cause, it's a lot! I told you, bandit.

Among non-baking related gifts I got a wonderful new pea-coat, a beautiful scarf, a little water well, and some seriously cool ornaments, for next year of course.

Since I've received a total of five new books that have amazing recipes in them and considered my third Christmas is next weekend, I'll be making some goodies and sharing them with you!

As a parting gift I leave you with a darling picture of our adorable kittens. You're welcome.

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