Thursday, January 10, 2013

I'm Not a Slacker

I promise I'm not. Really. Things have been crazy as of late.

I had a job interview (which I rocked) and got hired. We rearranged our living room, I substituted in the cafeteria at my old high school for a couple days, and had our annual Christmas party at my Aunt's. And then, my car died in the middle of an intersection, with cars coming from behind. Luckily my high school Spanish and science teachers happened to be walking by and helped push my car out of the way. So, here's to you, my dear June, my once wonderful beautiful car, you shall be missed. Rest in peace JuneBug.

As for food related news, I honestly can't say I have too much to talk about. Because of all the craziness my kitchen time has been limited. Although I am happy to report, my baking should be picking up again within a few days. I've been brainstorming some ideas about mini pies and cookies. Hopefully my kitchen will be filled with deliciousness again soon.

My Dad also may have gotten me a great opportunity. A man my Dad does some work for has a shop and he has been trying to get more customers; so he sets up a little coffee stand outside his shop doors hoping to draw them inside. My Dad said that he wanted to know if I would be interested in selling some baked goods at his little coffee stand. I'm hoping that I can take advantage of this opportunity, but we'll have to see with my work schedule.

So, to leave you with something I find amazing and slightly hilarious: my great-grandma, Grandma Mincarelli, could have been Julia Child in her later years. Here's my proof.

Julia Child, this picture appeared on the cover of her book, Baking with Julia, which is fabulous. I would highly recommend it.

Grandma Mincarelli and I at my 2nd birthday party.

I know it's not a dead match, but come on, they could have been related.

Anyway, more to come soon. Let's hope nothing else goes amiss so my baking can commence.

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