Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Wonderful World of Cinnamon

A cinnamon bun a day keeps the doctor away. No? Are you sure? Cause I ate like, three today..

Joy the Baker, who, if you haven't noticed, I love, has this recipe for amazing cinnamon buns. I know this because I made them this morning and they were delicious. Now, you might be wondering why I talk so much about Joy the Baker, the simple answer is, she's wonderful! But wait, there's more. My Mom gave me her cookbook for Christmas this year, so I'm trying out all the recipes I can. And in turn, sharing them with you. You are just soooo darn welcome.

Anyway, cinnamon buns. These things are very time consuming. You got five hours of nothing to do, then you should make these. Not kidding. Close to five hours. You have to let dough rise and if you live practically in a basement the dough will take about forever longer than it would if you lived anywhere else. Seriously though, mine took like, three hours to double in size. And yes, that basement comment was about my apartment, we live partially underground; our bedroom windows are level with the lawn.

However long it takes for your dough to rise, these things are worth it! I'm telling you, soo worth it you'll wonder how you lived this long without making them before. Here's the link for the cinnamon buns, directly from Joy the Baker herself. Now, there's one MAJOR difference between this recipe and the one in her book. The one in her book doesn't have cream cheese in it. I matched up the recipes, if you want to make the ones I made there is no cream cheese and there is 3 tablespoons of maple syrup. The link I gave you has only 2 tablespoons. Either way, I'm sure they'll turn out wonderfully.

 This one log makes eight larger-than-life cinnamon buns. Oh, and before I forget, spray the pan, spray the pan, and please spray the pan. I forgot.. I was oh so excited about cinnamon buns I forgot to spray the pan. And man, did some of these stick like crazy.

Mmmm. Look how delicious.
Sadly, they do not have the icing on them. I didn't have any powdered sugar or buttermilk. But, still delectable without.

Cinnabon ain't got nothin' on me!

And now, a few words about our good friend Cinnabon..

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